Saturday, March 20, 2010

oh gloomy day

the cluttered desk
the sort of organized closet
the first view you see stepping foot into my room

it's early saturday morning and i am back at home with the parents eating breakfast. instead of sun peeking through the curtains the sky is a gloomy grey.

yesterday was a beautiful day so i decided to wear my maxi dress and layered it with two cardigans; i received so many compliments! i regret not taking a picture. i spent the evening cleaning my junkie room, then i headed out to oxford housing to help the japan student association prepare for the japanese culture festival, which happens to be today. everyone should go! it is at the east hall...but i do not know the time, i am sure it will be in the evening. just as i was about to head out the door, everyone realized that we were sort of rice! of all the things rice! we needed about 70 pounds of rice at 10:30pm! we were we going to find rice that late at night?! north campus of course! we sped up to the chinese market, but it was already closed! our last resort was kroger and by the grace of luck they had sticky rice! yay for us. after that adventure i retreated back home to do more cleaning....i still have to finish.

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