Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Big Schatz

After the second day of school at Kamaile, we all buckled up for an hour drive into Honolulu to met with Brian Schatz, a candidate who is running in the upcoming election for Lt. governor of Hawai’i. We talked to him about what brought him out to the Hawaiian Islands and also brought up to him the issues that plague the islands’ future; such as the homeless living on the beaches, landfills that are being filled to capacity, and the potential of Hawai’i legalizing gambling in order to help lessen the state’s nearly $1.5 billion deficit.

brian schatz
group picture
ashli and hannah

the girls listening to brian discussing the issues that plague the hawaiian islands from the overfilled landfills to the potential idea of hawai'i legalizing gambling (only hawai'i and utah have not legalized gambling).

Check out Kathryn’s blog for more about this article.

For more information on who Brian Schatz is and his campaign, go to

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