Thursday, June 17, 2010

Box Night= 4 Inche Roaches and Centipede Bullet Wounds

Today was the day in which we were all going to have the chance to do a meet and greet with our bloggers at Kapolei Middle School in Kapolei, Hawai'i. We had a previous visit to the school on Monday, where we a couple of us were on a panel judging the presentation that students did on issues that affect the Pacific Islands. I met one of my bloggers there, her name was Jadyn. But to my dismay when Thursday afternoon came around, none of my bloggers where there. In fact many of our bloggers where not there, but we did get to meet with a great group of students and talk story with them.

my group! group 4; frank, kellen, sidnee, josh, and ashli

one of the student who came to the meet and greet

The evening came and we headed to Target to help the 8th graders at Kapolei pick up supplies for the homeless for what is known as Box Night ( not the same group of students from the meet and greet, but another group).

Box Night is a night when students, for one night sleep outside and see what it is like to be homeless. In addition, each student was too take on a homeless persona till the end of the night. Many took on the roles of drug addicts and runaways. The students collected $571 worth of money during their penny war and just that to buy supplies for a homeless shelter near the school. The things included toothpaste, diapers, shampoo, and soap. We bought pizza and other snacks to hide around the courtyard for the students to find. We even shredded pizza and threw them into trash bags. Some had tents to sleep in and other slept outside. For those who slept outside they had to worry about four inch roaches and huge centipedes, whose bite feels like a bullet wound from what I hear. A couple of centipedes made their presence only to die by the feet of some of our fellow university students. As for me, I have a fear of things crawling into my ears, so I decided to play it safe and sleep in a tent.

Many of the homeless here, line the beaches in tents and broken cars. The cost of living in Hawai'i is extremely high. Gas here in 35% more than on the mainland and milk in double that, at an astounding price of $6.99 a gallon. Hawai'i is the most isolated archipalogo in the world and about 90% of everything here is imported from other countries.

the boys
acting out skits they made up
frank is so pretty

group picture after box night

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